• Jeonggwan Plant
    (46020) 2-9, Nonggong-gil, Jeonggwan-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan
  • Seochang Plant
    (50511) 50, Sojugongdan 3-gil, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
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Company>Sustainability>Internal/External Audit Report

Internal/External Audit Report


How to submit tip-off

Sungwoo Hitech operates a tip-off system to improve business loss and establish an ethical corporate culture. Anyone can make an anonymous report through a dedicated email or phone line.

Tip-off Contents

  1. a Work that needs to be improved, inefficiencies and waste (Unnecessary work, unreasonable rules/transitions, re-distribution of work, etc.)
  2. b Report anomalies, irregularities, and preventive audits (internal/external unreasonable behavior, damage to company image, solicitation, etc...)
  3. c Anything else that requires improvement and public recognition (merit/service true character reports, all other improvements)

How to submit tip-off

  • Dedicated E-MAIL : Receive team-only emails (confidential)
  • TEL : 82)70-7477-5600
  • Accept all possible means, including but not limited to in-person, mail-in, and anonymous submissions.

Ensure complete anonymity of the tipster.

Make a tip-off

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