• Jeonggwan Plant
    (46020) 2-9, Nonggong-gil, Jeonggwan-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan
  • Seochang Plant
    (50511) 50, Sojugongdan 3-gil, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
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GREEN TECHNOLOGY SUNGWOO HITECH supports your infinite potential.
Talent Management>Personnel System>Talent Cultivation

Talent Cultivation


Nurture Integrative Professionals in the Era of the Fourth Industrial revolution

With a systematic program and flexible and horizontal corporate culture which can realize the infinite potential of global talents, we help our employees build expertise and competence and evolve into creative leaders by integrating humanities & social sciences and natural sciences.

Recruit Training Program
  • New Employee Training

    We perform 4-night, 5-day off-the-job training against new employees. We give them an opportunity to learn our history, culture and core values and build a mindset as an organizational member by preparing a presentation.

  • Job Training

    Once the new employee training is done, 4-day job training follows. We help employees learn job duties by division and understand our overall operating process.

  • Mentoring System

    To help new employees adapt to their new position after job training, we provide a 12-week mentoring program. During that period, we implement OJT training by department and help them build basic job competence that they should have as new employees.

  • Field Training

    We make new employees have field training across the manufacturing process from the supply of raw materials for 2-3 weeks and help them have a better understanding of products and manufacturing processes.

Competence Reinforcement Training Program
  • Hierarchical Training

    To nurture talents for SUNGWOOians, we help our employees understand our common competence and built creative thinking and innovative mind through the reinforcement of organizational communication and collaboration and change management.

  • Training for Those who Get Promoted

    We provide training for those who got promoted by job title to help them build competence.

Nurture Job Specialist
  • Training for Enhancing Job Competence

    Using job road designed to nurture experts in each field, we provide customized job competence enhancement training in consideration of employees’ needs

  • Consortium Training

    We help our employees learn professional skills which are essential in the production of automotive parts (e.g., automotive parts design, factory automation, press die, weld technology, automation robot, hydraulic control, calibration of measuring instruments, etc.) and evolve into specialists.

Reinforcement of Global Competence
  • Online Foreign Language Training

    To nurture global talents, we provide multilingual online training (English, Chinese, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian) and help our employees check their progress and achievement on their own through evaluation.

Build Learning System
  • Credit System

    We operate required and selective courses to help our employees build their competence according to their job title and make them complete the credits during the length of duration for job title.

  • Cyber Training Center

    We operate a cyber-training center in which employees are able to manage their training history and credits under ordinary and autonomous learning environments and help them build their competence.